Quality Policy


Section 1 – Vision, Mission Statement & Values…………………………………………………………………..

Section 2 Objectives…………………………………………………………………………………………………………..

Compliance …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………

Ongoing bench marking and improvement to the company product …………………………….

Section 3 Scope ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….

Customer Focus…………………………………………………………………………………………………………..

Continuous Improvement ……………………………………………………………………………………………

Monitoring and Measuring Resources…………………………………………………………………………..

Competence ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………….

Organizational Roles, Responsibilities, and Authorities…………………………………………………..

Actions to Address Risks and Opportunities ………………………………………………………………….

Communication ………………………………………………………………………………………………………….


Resources ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….



Measurement and analytics………………………………………………………………………………………….

Planning of changes…………………………………………………………………………………………………….

Version Control…………………………………………………………………………………………………………..

Leadership …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………

Section 1 – Mission, Vision and Values


Our mission is to strive for excellence in crowd management and event security.
Our vision is to be the leaders of the UK crowd management and event security market.
Our values are to act with integrity, take responsibility and find solutions.
Showsec defines quality as;
“Meeting or exceeding the requirements of our customers”
Showsec strives to be the best provider of security services in the industry. Using these guiding principles, everyone in Showsec is accountable for fully satisfying our customers by meeting or exceeding their needs and expectations with best-practice solutions and services.
Our goal is 100% customer satisfaction 100% of the time.

Section 2 – Objectives


Showsec’s quality objectives are:


  • Revision refresh and active usage of SOPs in key operating processes
    • Review of the principal SOPs that relate to the core functions of our operations. Where necessary, update / revise and socialise.
    • Ensure training and briefings align with SOPs.
    • Ensure adherence to through Service audit.
    • Revise and improve Service Audit Jotform to include above and refine and improve quality of audit and that also encapsulates a trends analysis tool

Key performance Indicator:

  • Revise and improve Service Audit Jotform to include above and refine and improve quality of audit and that also encapsulates a trends analysis tool.

Product Development

  • The company intends to improve its commercial position by positioning a specific focus through the 2025 business plan.
    • Improving our commercial infrastructure.
    • Creation of a Commercial strategy that maps the changes required towards.
    • Improving the quality of our commercial operation within identified sectors and locations.
    • Creation and roll out of CRM across the operations with quality data provision and assigned targets per area either in current or new sectors.
    • Improved tender and bid process and assets with professional support to upskill key managers as to procurement processes.
    • Improved suite of operations documentation templates that align stylistically to commercial / marketing material.

Key performance Indicator

  • Improved suite of operations documentation templates that align stylistically to commercial / marketing material.

Section 3 Scope


Showsec excels in delivering event security services, prioritising customer satisfaction through experience, training, and industry-leading standards. We challenge norms, collaborate with industry bodies, and boast expertise in various areas like consultancy, crowd management, and event security. Showsec is an ‘Investor in People,’ supporting research, training, and delivering flexible, professional services. Our Quality Manual ensures customer, client, and interested party satisfaction. Showsec is dedicated to meeting ISO9001:2015 requirements and continuous management system improvement.

Customer Focus

Showsec Managers demonstrate leadership and commitment concerning customer focus by ensuring that:

  • Customer/clients and applicable statutory and regulatory requirements are determined, understood and consistently met.
  • The risks and opportunities that can affect conformity of products and services and the ability to enhance customer satisfaction are determined and addressed; and
  • The focus on enhancing customer satisfaction is maintained, by using the results of the analysis and evaluation of customer satisfaction data. As a result of this analysis, Showsec management might direct a change in the client-related processes and the operation of the business, including the allocation of resources.

Continuous Improvement

Showsec continually improves the suitability, adequacy, and effectiveness of the quality management system.

Showsec considers the results of analysis and evaluations, and the outputs from the management review, to determine if some needs or opportunities are addressed as part of the continual improvement.

Monitoring and Measuring Resources

Showsec determines and provides the resources needed to ensure valid and reliable results when monitoring is used to verify the conformity of products and services to requirements.

Showsec completes a series of audits/questionnaires including:

  • SIA Compliance Audit
  • Internal Audits
  • Process audits
  • Venue Audits
  • British Standard Audits
  • Operational Compliance checklist
  • Client service delivery audits
  • Area Manager Compliance Checklist
  • Regional Manager compliance checklist
  • Client and staff surveys

All the above checklists, audits and surveys are available on JotForm or ISO9001 SharePoint Folders and Freshdesk.


Competence in our personnel is determined by their education, training, experience, and knowledge. We’ve established a competency framework for Stewards, SIA, Supervisors, and Heads of security through our training department. Operational Managers, support managers, and support staff demonstrate their competency through CVs, interviews, and relevant formal qualifications.

HR has developed a competency framework for employees with succession plans in place. If someone falls short of the required competency levels, Showsec offers mentoring and additional training to ensure they can effectively perform their job.

We assess the effectiveness of these actions through direct observation and knowledge testing, as detailed in the SIA Compliance audit on the compliance tracker. Qualifications, both internal and external, are recorded in the qualifications tab on smartg8.

Organisational Roles, Responsibilities and Authorities

Showsec management has established specific responsibilities and authorities for the roles and ensures that the management teams understand and are aware of their responsibilities.

Owners can make decisions and effect change to the area and/or processes to which they have been assigned. Although authority is delegated, the overall responsibility and accountability for the quality management system remain with the Co-CEO namely Mark Logan.

The Co-CEO assigns the responsibility and authority for:

  • Ensuring that the quality management system conforms to the requirements of ISO9001:2015 Standard for specific roles, such as internal auditors and management review.
  • Ensuring that the processes are delivering their intended outputs, this has been assigned to department managers, and the operational teams.
  • The Health, Safety, and Compliance Manager is responsible for coordinating the reporting with the department managers and operational teams responsible for reporting on specific processes.
  • The operational and marketing teams are responsible for client focus ensuring that any issues are resolved; and
  • The Health, Safety, and Compliance Manager is responsible for ensuring that the integrity of the quality management system is maintained when changes to the quality management system are planned and implemented, with input from the team applying the changes.

Actions to Address Risks and Opportunities

When planning for the quality management system, and processes, Showsec determines its risks and opportunities and plans actions to address them. This is contained within the Business Plan and thereafter in department plans.

Its purpose is to prevent nonconformities, including nonconforming outputs, and to determine opportunities that might enhance customer satisfaction or achieve Showsec’s quality objectives.

When examining Showsec’s opportunities, we first determined and assessed the potential risks to the quality management system associated with them; the results have been used when making the decisions on whether to implement them.

Showsec has focused on:

  • giving confidence that the quality management system can achieve its intended result(s);
  • enhancing desirable effects, and the creation of new possibilities (by improving the efficiency of its activities, developing, or applying new technologies, etc.);
  • preventing or reducing undesired effects (through risk reduction or preventive actions);
  • achieving improvement to ensure product and service conformity and enhancing client satisfaction.

Showsec plans actions to address its risks and opportunities, implement the actions, and analyse the effectiveness of actions taken.

The actions that Showsec will consider are (not limited to):

  • avoiding the risk, by no longer performing the process where the risk can be encountered;
  • eliminating the risk
  • taking no action, where Showsec accepts the risk, based on its potential effect or the cost of the needed action.


Showsec ensures that the quality policy is clearly understood throughout the business. This is achieved by considering the requirements for awareness and communication by persons at different levels within the business.

The quality policy is communicated on the Head Office noticeboards, on the company intranet on the staff portal.

Showsec ensures clear communication to an external provider, in the way of policies and procedures and briefing sheets.

The staff newsletter also promotes awareness.


Showsec has established, implemented, and maintains a design and development process that applies to new modules and training packages, the Showsec App, and the Operations plan.


Showsec determines and provides the resources needed for the establishment, implementation, maintenance, and continual improvement of the quality management system.

Showsec considers:

  • The capabilities of, and constraints on, existing internal resources; and
  • What needs to be obtained from the external providers.


Showsec determines and provides the persons necessary for the effective implementation of its quality management system and the operation and control of its processes. Consideration has been given to work the load and competence of relevant persons to carry out functions and roles in the quality management system (e.g. operational activities, audits, inspection, testing, complaint investigations).


Infrastructure can have a critical effect on achieving conformity of products and services.

Showsec has:

  • determined the necessary infrastructure for the effective operation of its processes and to achieve its intended results; for example, Provision of Head Office, IT systems, PPE, radios for communications, Showsec Intranet, transportation for members of staff, and JotForm platform.
  • provided and maintained the necessary infrastructure.

In determining the necessary infrastructure, Showsec has considered what facilities, equipment, computer software, services, etc, are needed to provide conforming products and services.

Measurement and analytics

Showsec ensures that the company conducts monitoring, measurement, analysis, and evaluation to enable the company to determine if the intended results are being achieved.

ISO9001 requires the business to determine what needs to be monitored and measured and the methods used to analysis and evaluate the performance and effectiveness of the quality management system.

Showsec analyses and evaluates appropriate data and information arising from monitoring and measurement.

The results of the analysis are used to evaluate:

  • Conformity of products and services.
  • The degree of customer satisfaction.
  • The performance and effectiveness of the quality management system.
  • If planning has been implemented effectively.
  • The effectiveness of actions taken to address risks and opportunities.
  • The performance of external providers, and
  • The need for improvements to the quality management system.

Planning of changes

Change planning aims to preserve the quality management system’s integrity and Showsec’s ability to provide compliant products and services. We’ve explored strategies to mitigate negative impacts, such as conducting trials or contingency plans if the change isn’t successful.

Changes in the quality management system can arise from various sources, including management reviews, audit findings, nonconformity assessments, complaints, process performance evaluations, shifts in context, or evolving client and stakeholder requirements.

These changes can stem from factors like process improvements to address nonconformities and the adoption of new information and communication technology (ICT) for services or processes.

Version Control

Showsec controls the documented documentation by ensuring that information is kept up to date, policies, procedures, and templates are version-controlled and are stored on SharePoint.

Policies and Procedures are regularly reviewed and updated.


The directorate demonstrates leadership and commitment by taking an active role in engaging, promoting, ensuring, communicating, and monitoring the performance and effectiveness of the quality management system.

Last Updated: [JAN 25]