Manchester A Year On

21 May 2018

With the anniversary of the Manchester attack approaching tomorrow, the city has organised a program of events to commemorate the tragedy and celebrate the ongoing resilience of the city. Just as they were in the memorial events a year ago, Showsec staff will be instrumental in these anniversary events. The events include a Tree of Hope trail that will run from Victoria Station through to St Ann’s square, where members of the public will have the opportunity to leave messages of solidarity and respect.

Also on the agenda is a National Service of Remembrance at Manchester Cathedral, which will be attended by Prince William and the Prime Minister, while nationally there will be a minute’s silence at 2.30pm across all government buildings. Perhaps most fittingly for a city with such a rich musical heritage, more than 80 choirs will unite for the Manchester Together – With One Voice event at Albert Square on the Evening of May 22. Other tributes are planned, including flower shows and art exhibitions.

As we as a company look towards the anniversary, we reflect with particular pride on the role of Showsec staff who were on duty in the arena that night. Responding to aid the injured and assist in the evacuation, Showsec staff exemplified the professionalism and commitment to public safety that are at the heart of the Showsec ethos.

With a firm presence in the heart of Manchester, Showsec looks to both remember the events of that tragic night, but also to celebrate the community-spirit, courage and resilience of the great city. With such a vibrant and rich cultural heritage, Showsec looks forward to providing security for events in Manchester both now, and far into the future.