App FAQ and Contact Page

My Showsec App – FAQ Page

Please Click Here to see My Showsec Video Introduction – this includes some quick tutorials on how to use ‘My Showsec’

Q: Where can I download the My Showsec App?

A: You can download the My Showsec App from the Apple App Store for iPhones, or for Android phones, you can download it from the Google Play Store.
Click here to visit the app stores:  Apple Iphones  Android Phones

Q: Why Can I not log in?

A: Please use your current Username and Password that you use for the Online Portal, please note the username is not your email address, there is a ‘forgotten’ password button on the login pages of the app to reset your password. If the reset link does not recognise your email address it is possible you have duplicate accounts and need to email for this to be rectified.

Q: Why can I not see certain shifts on the app?

A: It could be because the shift is specialised and not published for App Booking or Specialist qualification/venue position is required – however, in the main we have tried to put the majority of shifts enabled for App Booking, there will always be a specific reason why a shift is not showing for you.  If you still feel you should be able to see the shift, then please contact the booking team who would be able to look at the specific reasons for you. You may also not see shifts that are allocated to different geographical areas unless these are specifically split over multiple areas.

Q: How long in the future can I book onto Shifts 

A: Typically 9 Months on both Portal and the App

Q: Can I log into the App from a different country

A: In order to protect our servers and in line with our Access policies we restrict the countries that you can log in from. Your log in should always work in the UK.

Q: Can I view the Calendar and change my availability on the App

A: Yes, all calendar functionality is the same and easier to edit than the My Showsec web Portal version, please refer to the video link on the top of this page to see how you do this.

Q: Can I request my Payslip 

A: Yes, you can request your payslip by selecting the period you want to request then clicking on the icon on the top right of the pay page Payslipreqicon – confirm the action then your payslip will be emailed to your nominated email address within 30 mins.

Q: How often will the app be updated

A: The development team hope to do 3 app updates per year this may include but is not exclusive of: Contact Department Pages / Download your calendar to your native phone calendar / Push Notifications / Messaging / News Pages

Q: Will the old Showsec Portal still be available  

A: Yes, we have no current plans to close the Showsec Portal, Showsec will update you of any changes to this.

Q: The app will not let me book onto certain shifts 

A: Basically, the rules are that an individual can only work 18 hours within ANY 24-hour period therefore if you worked a ‘long’ night shift then this would affect their hours for the following day

Q: The app does not show the ‘Description of Work’

A: This is shown once a shift has been booked onto and is subject to change, we will try where possible to put as much information for the individual shifts pre-booking.

Any Other app related queries please email –